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Introduction to the Rover Section


The Introduction to the Rover Scout Section is to be completed when joiing the Rover Scout section, either when transitioning from the Venturer Scout section or when you join the Monement. This wil help you get to know the other Rover Scouts and set goals for what you wsh to get out of your time in scouting.

Challenge Areas


The Challenge Areas facilitate the core program. They are four broad areas which all programming should fit under.


The Challenge Areas not only assist in idea generation but form part of the requirements for measuring you participation and achievement in Scouting. Through a process of participate-assist-lead, you will be able to record your involvement in the program.


At the plan stage of programming, Rover Scouts work together to develop a program that involves activities from each of these areas.



You gain Milestone achievements by participating, assisting and leadingin activities in Rover Scouts. These activities are based on the four Challenge Areas.


there are three Milestones: each Milestone should take 12-18 months. The Milestones have you running a vast range of programs for your unit and for other Sections or your Group.

Outdoor Adventure Skills


Outdoor Adventure Skills ate the link between adventurous activities and your involvement in developing skill sin these activities. The framework provides a developmental and progressive pathway to build adventurous skills. it enables you to access the basic skills for a range of activities and progress through to high skill levels across nine broad activity areas, many with multiple activity streams.


Bushcraft, Bushwalking and camping are the three Core Outdoor Adventure Skills. These skill areas are seen as the basic area that Scouting is both expected and strives to cover. These activities are accessible to all members across Australia regardless of locality.


Alpine, Aquatics, Boating, Cycling, Paddling and Vertical are the six Specialist Outdoor Adventure Skills. These broad areas each have multiple streams separating at stage four and/or stage seven, which youth members may choose to pursue.

Special Interest Areas


Special Interest Areas are six broad skill areas that you may choose to explore. Special Interest Areas are tailored to an individuals' own interests and require you to set your own goals for the area you are pursuing or looking to complete a project in. The challenges are set by using plan>do>review, all within a set time frame.

Adventurous Journey


Adventurous journeys are a way for you to get out, explore, and put in place the skills you have learnt during the scouting program. Your adventurous journey should occur when working on Milestone 3

Personal Development or Unit Management Course

For the Peak Award, you are required to complete Leadership/Personal Development Training. This can be done in many forms, options available for Rover Scouts include attending an internal Scouting course run for Rover Scouts, a state or national extension course such as You+Lead.

Rover Scout - Achievement Pathways mount

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