Introduction to the Cub Section
As a new Cub Scout, we would like you to find out more about what we do in the Cub Scout Section.
We as leaders will help you meet other Scouts, set goals for what you wish to get out of your time in Scouting and learn about what it means to be a Cub Scout.
Challenge Areas
The Challenge Areas help build the core of the Cub Scout program. They Challenge Areas will help you to think of ideas when you are planning your program.
Work together with other Cub Scouts, with support from adults, to build your program to involve activities from each of these areas. You should make every activity fun, challenging, adventurous and inclusive.
Your Unit Council will then help your Adult Leaders put the ideas into nights, themes, pick activities to do and determine the length of the Program Cycle.
You gain Milestone achievements by participating, assisting and leading activities in Cub Scouts.
These activities are based on the four Challenge Areas.
There are three Milestones; each Milestone should take 6-12 months. In Milestone 1 you actively participate in all of the Challenge Areas. In Milestone you will assist more than Milestone 1. In Milestone 3 you will lead more than Milestone 2.
Milestone 1: 24 Participates, 2 Assists and 1 Leads
Milestone 2: 20 Participates, 3 Assists and 2 Leads
Milestone 3: 16 Participates, 4 Assists and 4 Leads
Outdoor Adventure Skills
Outdoor Adventure Skills gives the Cub oppertunities to experience different adventurous activities. Outdoor Adventure Skills help you learn new adventurous skills.
Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping are the three Core Outdoor Adventure Skills. you don't have to finish any Outdoor Adventure Skills, but if you want to achieve your Peak Award you need to finish stage three of these skills.
Alpine, Aquatics, Boating, Cycling, Paddling and Vertical are the six Specialist Outdoor Adventure Skills. In Cub Scouts you may not have to do the Specialist Outdoor Adventure Skills to get you Peak Award, But it would be awesome if you tried some of them.
Special Interest Areas
Special Interest Area projects help you to pursue topics or activities that specifically interest you. there are six broad skill areas that you may choose to explore. If you want your Peak Award, you need to complete six projects across 2 of these areas. Your project should take about 4 hours of effort and you should do your best.
Adventurous Journey
Adventurous Journeys are a way for you to get out, explore and put in place the skills you have learnt during the Scout program. Your Adventurous Journey should occur when working on Milestone 3
Development or Unit Management Course
Leadership or personal development courses give you opportunities to reflect and to talk to other Scouts who are following a similar path to you. Participation in these courses will help you along your Scouting journey.
These skills may be learnt in your weekly Scouting Program by being an active member. For the Peak Award you may choose to attend an internal Scouting course run for the cub scout section, or a state or national extension course such as the Cub Scout Leadership Course.